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Document upload guidelines

  1. Every Retrieval Request, Chargeback and dispute we notify you of has a unique upload URL mentioned against the disputed transaction. This can be found in  the MS-Excel file we email you. We recommend you use this to securely send us the document;
  2. Please mention the ARN of the disputed transaction you are responding to by mentioning it in the text box available in the upload page. If you are uploading a single document covering multiple disputes related to the same card, please select the URL of any one dispute covered by the document and mention the ARN of all the disputes you are responding to in the message text-box.
  3. All uploads should be in MS-Word or PDF Format. Please ensure you only provide only one document for a dispute/group of disputes related to the same card.
  4. Only the first six and last four digits of a card number should be mentioned in any document you send us. This applies to text as well as any image of a card you include in the document. Please hide the three-digit secure code on the flip side of the card near the signature panel.
  5. The file you upload should not contain a mix of both Portrait and Landscape page orientations. It should be one style used consistently throughout the document.
  6. Please ensure the file size doesn’t exceed 2 MB.
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