- Does PXP have a backend tool?
- How can I check if a card is valid without charging it?
- How can I refund a transaction?
- How long do refunds take to process?
- Is capture delay mandatory?
- Is there a limit on how many times are they allowed to re-enter payment details?
- Under what circumstances does PXP Financial give users with refused/failed deposit attempts the opportunity to re-enter payment details?
- What does “RefusedByProvider” transaction state mean?
- What is a capture delay?
- What is Payment Service Admin (PSA)?
- What is the 3D Secure configuration that are carried out or required by card providers?
- What is the difference between Withdrawal and Refund?
- What is the risk management module?
- What is the standard configuration for capturing payments?
- What is the time-out default setting on the redirected payment page?
- What will a customer see on their bank statement for a purchase or a top-up?
- What’s the risk of capturing right after authorisation?
- Why will a customer not be prompted to enter authentication details during 3DSecure checks even though their card is 3D secured enabled?
- Will cancelled payments appear on bank or credit card statements?