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Payment Service Admin (PSA) Account Access: Troubleshooting


Forgot your username?

Contact the Support Team at


Forgot your password?

  1. Visit the PS Admin login page: Payment Service
  2. Enter your username.
  3. Click “Forgot your Password?” and follow the instructions.

Where is my authentication code?

If prompted for an authentication code on the Login Page:

  1. Open the Google Authenticator app.
  2. Find the valid code for your PS Admin Account.
  3. Enter the 6-digit code in the “Authentication Code” field.

Need to register a new Google Authenticator account?

You may need to register a new account if:

  • You have a new mobile phone (this is necessary for generating codes).
  • You lost your mobile and need to disable the old account.
  • You uninstalled the app and want to set it up again.

To register a new account:

  1. Visit the PS Admin login page: Payment Service
  2. Enter your username and password.
  3. Click “Register new Google Authenticator account” and follow the instructions. An email will be sent with further steps. For more details, see Payment Service Admin (PSA): Register new Google Authenticator account – PXP Financial.


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