A Retrieval Request, also known as Copy Request/Request for Information (RFI), is a query raised by the Issuer to the Acquirer on behalf of the cardholder seeking more information regarding a transaction which was charged to the cardholder’s card.
We will notify you of all Retrieval Requests along with the corresponding reason code and the reason code description to help you understand the request and answer it properly. We advise you to answer them by providing us all relevant information within the stipulated time-frame as not answering a Retrieval Request can deprive you the opportunity to represent any chargeback/dispute notified on the transaction later. You will have to accept the liability in such cases. You can, additionally, contact the customer/cardholder and clarify his/her doubts to resolve the matter and prevent it from escalating further.
You need to contact us with the relevant information not later than 10 days from the notification date to answer a Retrieval Request. You can upload your response in the form of a PDF or MS-Word File into our document uploader. Please use the unique upload URL mentioned against the transaction in our email notification to upload documents. Only one document per upload is allowed. Please consolidate all evidence into a single file before uploading it (max file size not to exceed 2MB for PDF files).
However, Retrieval Requests shouldn’t be used as a warning mechanism for chargebacks. The Card Schemes are slowly phasing out the Retrieval Requests. Visa no longer mandates the use of Retrieval requests and MasterCard has stopped using them completely, except for transactions processed using Maestro Cards.