Once a chargeback is received, you must decide whether to accept the charge or whether to represent the chargeback/create a dispute response.
Representing a chargeback amounts to contesting the card-holder’s claim which led to the chargeback being initiated against you. Representment is a financial transaction and once processed, the funds will be credited to your merchant account. Some chargebacks are auto-represented by us. Examples are – duplicate chargebacks, chargebacks on transactions already fully refunded, etc. We will, however, notify you of such chargebacks.
All Allocation Disputes can only be responded by creating a Pre-Arbitration. The criteria for raising pre-arbitrations are defined by Visa and we must select what compelling evidence we are providing in such cases. Once a Pre-Arbitration is created, you will not receive a credit until the Issuer accepts the Pre-Arbitration. Issuers have up to 30 days to accept/decline a Pre-Arbitration. If they do not accept our Pre-Arbitration, we only have 10 days to file for Arbitration and Visa would make the ruling.
This is like the existing process of declining a Pre-Arbitration which can only be done if there’s compelling evidence considering the high fee involved in the event of an Arbitration.
For Collaboration Disputes, the process is almost the same as we currently have. The difference is we will process a Dispute Response instead of a Representment/Second-Presentment.
For both MasterCard chargebacks and VISA disputes, you can provide us a document containing all relevant information to defend the case. We will review it and process it if no corrections are required. We will get back to you if any correct are required to the form you provided and process it once you re-submit the corrected form.